Learning AlpineLinux.org, Ansible.com, and Packer.io

For my 2020-1 holiday break, I decided my next personal project would be to rebuild my home infrastructure on containers. I’d been inspired by a recent discovery of LinuxServer.io, where open source projects are built and run as containers. While I have a burning desire to better my Kubernetes practice, not enough of the world delivers software as a Helm chart, so merely running everything as containers would be a good intermediate step. Let me share my first six steps with examples…

Ten Steps from Pets to Cattle

Why do we need DevOps when IT and Operations succeed in their responsibility for security and uptime, using administrative tools to maintain, backup, patch, and restore those systems achieving a “keep the lights on” goal? Because the operations domain must be documented, democratized, and distributed to achieve agility so Operations returns to become a business force multiplier. Let me demonstrate that traditional values for long lived infrastructure and their retroactive justification do not apply when progressing to a DevOps mindset.